Thursday, June 15, 2006


I was on brief hiatus. But baseball season just makes me giddy. And also, I wanted to post because I made my parents a sign to bring to the yankee game. (THEY ASKED ME TO MAKE ONE AND THEY'RE COOL.) And i'm at work, and all of sudden my cell phone and work line start ringing, and it's my sisters who are watching the game, to tell me Mom and Dad are pretty much on tv, holding up this ridiculous sign that reads MELK AND ROOKIES HIT THE SPOT.

Boy was I proud. Whenever you got Yes network announcers commenting on your parents, you know it's gotta be a good day. I taped the game, so I just watched it and lost it basically. I took a picture of the tv with my camera phone. I'm pretty gangsta I know.

Ok back to the game. I like baseball a whole lot.

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