Sunday, May 01, 2005

a few pre-sleep thoughts

1.) the yankees win.
2.) the aflac trivia question: "Who was the last Yankee to win his debut at Yankee Stadium?" I guessed wrong with Brad Halsey. It's Duque. They got me on that one. Good for Alfac.
3.) I go out tonight to some random bar in the west village. The assclowns from the God-awful party I went to last weekend were all there. So weird and unfortunate. Manhattan is supposed to be too big for this crap.
4.) In Silence of the Lambs: the senator's daughter at the end of the movie, when she's free and walking out of Buffalo Bill's house... she's carrying the dog "Precious." If I was holed up in a well in tortuous anticipation of my sadisitic death, I would probably not bring home a momento of that experience. Probably would stray from taking the psycho's dog home with me. But that's me. This part always confuses me. I don't care if it was Snowflake the Dolphin. Any remnant of my time at the hand of a serial killer would be most likely be discarded swiftly.
5.) The yankees win. But if we're being honest, my favorite part of watching that game was the fact the pitching matchup was WANG vs. BUSH. There are way too many jokes to come from this, and all of them would probably too harshly implicate me, testifying to the fact that indeed I am a 5 yr old. I'll write the NY post in my will if the backpage headline tomorrow is WANG STICKS IT TO BUSH.
And I won't look back. That's how I roll.


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