Monday, March 21, 2005

Spring Training!!!

So I'm leaving for Tampa in a few hours. My order of favorite things: Baseball, Yankees, Food, Drinking during the day, the beach. And tampa basically has all of them.Except I have a feeling I won't be able to capitalize on some of them since it's supposed to rain for the first two days that I'm there. It's going to be enough of a challenge finding things to do to entertain myself when it's nice out, it's going to be balancing-chemical-equations challenging to find things to do when it's crappy out. Luckily, I find myself very amusing, and things like rollerblading or spinning a basketball on my finger can provide endless entertainment for me.

I have a few agendas while I'm there that go beyond baseball games. One is meeting a Yankee up close and personal. The other is slipping Steinbrenner a photo of my bathroom when I see him at IHOP. Yeah, I'm going to just stake out the breakfast bar until he shows up, and then I'm going to have his waitress deliver a picture of my bathroom. See, this is the type of networking I can excel at. But as soon as I have to "talk shop" and drop email addresses and client names--I'm as lost and confused as I am in a meatpacking district club.

So I'll be gone, for those of you (if any) that actually read this. But given the weather forecast, I feel like I will be writing up a storm (HAHAHAHAHA!! Look at me amusing myself already!) in my cozy hotel room. (The name of which will not be disclosed, since I don't want the paparazzi stalking me AGAIN.)

So I'll be getting my first fill of baseball after a long winter of hibernation and starvation. Scorpions can live a whole year without food. But I doubt that they, or any other living thing, can survive that long without baseball. It's all a warm up for opening day. And that's another thing on my agenda--screen applicants for the job of going with me to opening day. I NEVEER go to games with other people, very infrequently anyway, because apparently I get a little too emotionally involved. One time this manifested itself in skipping up and down the aisles of Yankee Stadium with a roll of duct tape, threatening to tape Boston fans' mouths. I didn't though. I wasn't really going to, either. But I had to act like there was a roll of duct tape in my purse for a reason, or else I would be a girl who carries duct tape in her bag, and who wants that?

No one wants to be around someone who gets beligerantly drunk when the yanks are up, and who gets violently depressed when they're down. So I get to live in my own little bubble of fanatic lunacy. Good times.


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It’s such a pleasure to read your post …. Interesting! I was over at another site

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and they didn't go into as much detail as you, but nonetheless interesting.


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