Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Branded cups

So when I was in college, every single thing I owned had my sorority letters on it. Everything. After I pledged, my room looked like a leprachaun threw up in it (because our symbol was a shamrock). My sisters used to make fun of me, saying, "You guys got cups made up if you went to get the mail." Which wasn't far from the truth. Every single occasion was a reason to have cups made up.

And now, an embodiment of the fact I'm not in school anymore (besides for the fact that, well, I'm not in school) is that every single last thing on my cubicle is branded with the name of the drug my account works on. I'm drinking out of branded cup, which sits on my branded coaster, and I'm taking notes with branded highlighters on branded notepads. It's ridiculous. I know I'm just getting these things because they're like leftover premiums or something, but I want to tell the account folks that they don't really have to sell me on the drug. Branded coffee mugs and baseball hats are a nice touch to my cubicle decor, but I'm pretty much all in favor of the drug that I work on.

In other news, my parents have taken to that whole "kill time while in the car by talking on cell phone" craze. They always used to make fun of my younger sister because she couldn't walk to the bathroom without calling someone in the interim. But my mom just called from the car, and basically she is the reason they made that whole no cell phone talking while driving law. Even if she's just talking to whoever is in the passenger seat, she loses focus on the road. I've definitely been in the car with her while she's telling a story, and when she loses her train of thought, the car just slows to a stop.

So she just called to say hi, and I hear all this honking in the background, and I'm like, what the hell is going on? So she says, "Oh nothing, everyone's passing me though. Oh 2 boys just drove up and gave me the finger." And then she cheerfully notes, "They're your age!"

I had to get off the phone because I was legitimately concerned she was going to roll down her window and say, Hi! I have a nice daughter who you guys would like. She loves baseball.

That's usually her "selling point" when she meets someone on line at the supermarket or something, and there's a "very handsome boy" there. "You would love my daughter. She lives in the city, and she's a big sports fan!"

My mom is the best. Seriously. Plus at least if she's calling me at work, she doesn't ask, "Did I just wake you up?" My youngest sister still hasn't caught on to the fact that I work. She'll call at like 2 and when I don't pick up the phone screaming things like, 'YO HOLLA SISTA!' and instead try to keep my voice to a professional "indoor voice," she immediately asks, "Hi did I wake you up?" Finally I said, "Ok. From now on, go by this general rule. Whenever you call me during the day from Monday-Friday, I am up. And have been for probably some time." Ah I shouldn't complain. It's a good day when you have your whole family calling you. You know how there's people have this really biting sense of humor? And then when they actually laugh at something you say, it means twice as much? That's how I feel when my youngest sister and my dad calls, because they don't call as much as my mom and other sister, so it's twice as good to hear from them! Even if they are setting me up with road rage ridden delinquents or "waking me up."


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